Download soal PAS Bahasa Inggris SMP/MTs Kelas IX dan Kunci Jawbannya

Sahabat baiq yang berbahagia. Mohon maaf sebelumnya jika sudah hampir 2 bulan saya tidak posting apapun di blog ini. Semoga postingan kali ini bisa menjadi obat rindu, buat yang kangen aja. hehehe...
Langsung aja gak usah pake basa-basi, di postingan kali ini kembali saya akan berbagi tentang Soal Penilaian Akhir Semester (PAS) Bahasa Inggris SMP/MTs kelas 9, semoga postingan ini, bisa menjadi salah satu media pembelajaran online bagi sahabat baiq semua. Selama belajar.

PAS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9


Mata pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris
Kelas : IX (Sembilan)

I. Answer the question by choosing the best answer !

1. Read the dialogue bellow !
     Dito :   Hi, Suzan. How are you?

Suzan  :   I am great. Thank you.

            Dito   :   I heard that you win the singing competition.

Suzan  :   That’s right.

Dito :   Congratulations!

Suzan   :   Thank you.

The underlined sentence is the expression of.....
A. Congratulating someone
B. Thanking
C. Expressing hopes  
D. Apologizing

2. Read the dialogue bellow !
    Miss Ina  :   Good morning class.
    Students  :   Good morning, Miss Ina.
    Miss Ina  :   I have a good news today. The winner of the story telling competition in this class is Suzan. Congratulations.

    Suzan                      :   ............................. Miss Ina.

The best sentence to complete the dialogue is ...
A. I am sorry
B. Thank you
C. Good morning
D. You are welcome

3. Read the dialogue bellow !
Dina    :   Hi, Susi. Congratulations for winning the poetry reading competition.
Susi     :   Thank you, Dina
Dina    :   .......................... I hope you will always be the winner.
Susi     :   I hope so.

The best sentence to complete the dialogue is ...
A. I am sorry
B. Thank you
C. You are welcome
D. You are great

4. Arrange the words into a good sentence !

Congratulations – joining - the - English - club - for

The best arrangement is ...
A. Congratulations joining for the English club
B. Congratulations for joining the club English
C. Congratulations joining for the club English
D. Congratulations for joining the English club

5. Read the dialogue bellow !
Dika : Hi, Good morning Kate. 
Kate : Good morning, Dika. 
Dika : What are you doing? 
Kate : I am preparing myself for the story telling competition. 
Dika : Really? I hope you will win the competition.
Kate : Thank you. I hope so

The underlined sentence is the expression of.....
A. Expressing hopes
B. Thanking
C. Congratulating someone
D. Apologizing

6. Read the dialogue bellow !
Mr. Dery : Good morning George
George : Good morning, Mr. Dery
Mr. Dery : Congratulations for getting the 1st place this semester. 
George : Thank you, sir.
Mr. Dery : I hope you can get the 1st place next semester.
George : ...................

The best sentence to complete the dialogue is ...
A. I hope so
B. I am sorry
C. Good morning
D. You are welcome

7. Read the dialogue bellow !
Willy : Hi, Wandi. Have you finished your Math test? 
Wandi : Yes, I have. But I am not sure about the result. 
Willy : I hope you can get a good score.
Wandi : ................... I hope so.

The best sentence to complete the dialogue is ...
A. I am sorry
B. Thank you.
C. Good morning
D. You are welcome

8. Arrange the words into a good sentence !

get - score - hope - I - she - will - good - a

The best arrangement is ...
A. I hope she get will a good score
B. I hope she will get a score good
C. I hope she will get a good score
D. I hope she get will a score good

Read the text bellow to answer the question number 9-16 !
 How to make Pineapple Juice


250 g Pineapple

3 spoonful condense milk

1 spoonful sugar

200 ml water

Ice cubes


First, peel and cut pineapple into pieces

Then, put  them into blender/juicer

Next, add sugar, water and ice cubes

After that, blend all the ingredients for about 2 minutes

Pour pineapple juice into a glass

Finally, pineapple juice is ready to drink

9. What kind of text is it?
A. Narrative
B. Recount
C. Report
D. Procedure

10. What is the purpose of the text?
A. To entertain the readers
B. To tell how to make pineapple juice
C. To explain about pineapple
D. To explain about how to make pineapple

Kunci jawaban:
1. A         6. A
2. B         7. B
3. C         8. C. 
4. D         9. D
5. A         10. B

Demikian ulasan, tentang soal PAS Bahasa Inggris SMP/MTs Kelas IX, untuk selengkapnya silakan bisa di download melalui tautan link di bawah ini. Terima kasih sudah berkunjung dan semoga bermanfaat.

Download soal PAS Bahasa Inggris SMP/MTs Kelas IX dan Kunci Jawbannya Download soal PAS Bahasa Inggris SMP/MTs Kelas IX dan Kunci Jawbannya Reviewed by My Profile on 6:53 AM Rating: 5

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